HOME PAGE GOLD PROSPECTING, GOLD PANNING EASTERN GOLD North Carolina Gold Prospecting South Carolina Gold Prospecting Georgia Gold Prospecting Virginia Gold Prospecting Alabama Gold Prospecting
CALIFORNIA GOLD (Statewide) (Mexican
Border to Oregon state line)
Gold Prospecting, Gold Panning GOLD PROSPECTING AMD PANNING IS
PROSPECTING AND GOLD PANNING? Theres gold in them thar hills and Charles A. Overbey wants to help you find it. Overbey, an engineer, pilot and former NASA executive, has researched federal and state geological records and has authored a series of detailed maps for gold prospecting, gold panning, treasure hunting and rockhounding. His gold maps show thousands of specific sites where gold has been found. By knowing where gold has been found in the past, you can improve your odds for finding more gold. The large scale gold maps give gold history and facts and tell you how to pan and where to look for gold in eastern United States and California.
It is easy to learn how to pan for gold by following the proven
step-by-step gold panning instructions printed on your gold map. You are sure to
get "gold fever!" ALL YOU NEED ![]() Big Ten's gold maps for gold prospecting, gold panning, treasure hunting and rockhounding are large size and large scale. They are printed in color on both sides of the sheet. Sheet size is 25 inches by 38 inches. The gold maps are folded to 4 1/4 inches by 9 1/2 inches. The scale is 1 to 250,000 (one inch = about 4 miles). Each gold prospecting and panning map is a composite of portions of several U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Map bases. For your benefit, contour lines are omitted so that details stand out clearly. You will see creeks, branches, dams, dry washes, mountains, canyons, national forests, secondary roads, trails, power lines, and rural schools and churches. You can tell the direction of flow of every little creek and branch. Each gold prospecting and panning map gives step-by step gold panning instructions. The scope of each state gold prospecting and panning map is described on the pages that follow. WHAT TO SEE ON THIS WEBSITE Also, be sure to see the "Gold Links" page for
links on gold prospecting and gold panning, the "Metal Detecting
Resources" page for more links about treasure hunting and
prospecting for gold and meteorites with a metal detector, and the
"Ancient Rivers of Gold" page. The next page is EASTERN GOLD . To see California gold map information go to: CALIFORNIA GOLD .
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